Hey everybody!
Today, I write an article about American's education system and what is wrong with this system, according to Katherine Birbalsingh. If you want to watch this video, it's here.
I answer the five comprehension questions:
1. Katherine Birbalsingh believes that there is a problem with UK's education system. Can you identify it within the first three minutes of the video? What is the problem?
The problem with the American's education system is people aren't responsible for them-selves. Children must be responsibles for their exam, not the teachers. Furthermore, children have a bad behaviour because of racism and they aren't helpful.
2. Why does this problem exist according to this teacher?
This problem exist because of the a difficult background. Everybody has to responsable for them-selves.
3. What do the government ministers think
about this problem? Who is to blame for the condition?
The government ministers think that teachers are in a system unfair. The responsibles of this condition are bad teachers.
4. Which suggestions does Katherine make to improve the system?
Katherine proposes stop to think about life after school and about the futur, and think more about the present.
5. Which changes would Katherine make in the education system if she were given a choice?
If she were given a choice, Katherine woulds like to change exam and trust more teachers.
After this video, I give you my opinion about our education system, in France, because I'm in this system since I'm a little child and I would like to become french teacher, so I have my opinion in this subject.
I think that the education system isn't very good in France: children and students aren't a high motivation to go in classroom, and many children don't like school. They prefere playing, or stay in their home, but certainly not the school! Or maybe, for their friends and recreations...
Sometime, we have a good teacher in the classroom, and fortunately, it's not really rare! But we can have a bad teacher: He's just concerned by his discipline and the schedule, and he doesn't take care of his students. He thinks about good student, but he forgets bad student, or students who need help and attention.
After, I think that children and students have too hours of class, and too holidays. Why do there are two months for the summer holidays? It's too much! During those two months, children forget everything! Aspecially as some children are bored, because their parents work during holidays.
I think, that it's the problem, and to change that, children should have less holidays. Furthermore, they should have less hours in a day, but more days in class during the year. I think it's a several problem in the France's education system.
See you!
See you!
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